Friday, January 9, 2015

Kids and Reading

This morning I came home today from taking my son to school and I the roads were bad. I live in Colorado and when it snows it is usually cold and last night it was raining and then started to snow and was cold. So the roads this morning were icy and so I came home and sat at the computer to relax and de-compress. I made myself some coffee with my nice new milk frother I got for Christmas and check my email, facebook and twitter. I came across this tweet that Parents Magazine posted about reading to your kids. Talks about how reading to them at an early age will encourage them to become readers and like and want to read.
Now when I was pregnant with my son I read to him in my stomach. We had one of those microphone things that you put on your stomach so the baby can hear. We didn't read a lot to him when he was younger, but when we turned say 2 then we started to read every night to him. Now that he is 5 and in Kindergarten learning how to read himself we are starting to read to him more and encouraging him to read some of it to us. We are also starting to read more chapter books to him since he is old enough that he will keep his attention when there are no pictures to look at.

I am curious as to how many of you that have kids read to your little one when you were pregnant and how often you read to them now?

If you would like to see the article I read here is the link to it! I follow them on twitter and they post some really interesting stuff!

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