Thursday, May 8, 2014

New addition to baby anklet line!

I added a new anklet/bracelet to my line in my shop! These are adorned with a heart charm that you can add your babies initials onto it! Check it out!


We had a nice rain storm last night. It was good to have the rain, but then it started hailing!! I was working on a bracelet and it was nice to listen to the rain and then my son started screaming cause he was scared. I told him there was nothing to be scared of, it was outside and it just sounds loud. I am just glad he isn't afraid of thunderstorms anymore. When he was really little, he used to scream and scream when it was thundering outside. I felt bad and didn't know how to console him. Now he is fine with thunderstorms and such.

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

The questions we don't have answers to

I have been looking for ways to keep my shop up to date with the latest and greatest ways to get noticed. I have had my shop open since October of 2011 and while my sales have improved and gone up, it is not where I would like it to be.
The biggest thing I have heard and seen from other blogs and Etsy blog and site is your PHOTOS are what is a huge selling point. I have tried to make sure that my pictures are good, but I know a few of them are not the best. Never the less I still haven't sold nearly as much as I would have thought that for the ones that my photos are great. So it makes me wonder? What is a good or great photo? What will make your item and shop pop more then others so you get noticed?

I have also gone through my shop several times and adjusted my pricing for my items. My biggest issue lies with pricing though I think. I make small baby anklets that don't use up very much yarn and then it makes it hard for me to price it. I don't know how many anklets that I can make when I buy one skein of yarn. Or how much of the embroidery floss I use when I make them. How do you calculate that?

I find myself going to other shops for insight and looking at all their wonderful photos. One of the shops that I love the photos of is on my own team in Etsy. Its a shop from Something for Baby team called Littlebit and Whimsy.
She makes the most adorable baby hats and such with the most gorgeous photos of babies wearing them. Now I try my best to make due with what I have to use, but I don't have a baby to use to show off my little items. My son is 4 years old and I use him when I can with some of my other items like my
kids scarf shown here:
I love to use him when I can cause he just adds so much to my photos, but he is not an infant LOL

Each and everyday I try to look at my shop and think of ways to make it better and better. I guess that will only come with time and patience!

Saturday, May 3, 2014

My son had his first T Ball game today! It was beautiful weather out for it and I even got a little sunburn lol. Here in Colorado if its sunny out I get burned. He did great though for his first game. It is so funny to watch little ones play t ball and not know what they are doing. Its better then improv as my mother in law would say!